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RCADS Scoring Resources [Last Updated July 2024]

Scoring Resources NameNormsFile TypeVersionClick links below to Download
RCADS-47 Child Scoring ProgramUnited StatesMicrosoft Excel3.3US English Full 47-Item Youth Version RCADS Excel Scoring Program - US Norms (Version 3.3)
RCADS-47 Parent Scoring ProgramUnited StatesMicrosoft Excel3.3US English Full 47-Item Youth Version RCADS Excel Scoring Program - US Norms (Version 3.3.)
RCADS-25 Child Scoring ProgramUnited StatesMicrosoft Excel3.1US English Short 25-Item Youth Version RCADS Excel Scoring Program - US Norms (Version 3.1.)
RCADS-25 Parent Scoring ProgramUnited StatesMicrosoft Excel3.1US English Short 25-Item Caregiver Version RCADS Excel Scoring Program - US Norms (Version 3.1.)
RCADS-47 Child Scoring ProgramIcelandMicrosoft Excel3.3iIcelandic Full 47-Item Youth Version RCADS Excel Scoring Program - Icelandic Norms (Version 3.3i)
RCADS-47 Parent Scoring ProgramIcelandMicrosoft Excel3.3iIcelandic Full 47-Item Caregiver Version RCADS Excel Scoring Program - Icelandic Norms (Version 3.3i)
RCADS-47/25 Child/Parent Batch Scoring SyntaxUnited StatesSPSS Syntax1.0US English Full 47-Item & Short 25-Item Youth & Caregiver Version Batch Scoring SPSS-Syntax  - US Norms (Version 1.0.)
RCADS-47 Child(Youth) Batch Scoring SyntaxUnited StatesR Syntax1.0US English Full 47-Item Youth Version RCADS Batch Scoring R-Syntax - US Norms (Version 1.0) (NEW!)
RCADS-25 Child(Youth) Batch Scoring SyntaxUnited StatesR Syntax1.0US English Short 25-Item Youth Version  RCADS Batch Scoring R-Syntax - US Norms (Version 1.0) (NEW!)
RCADS-25 Parent(Caregiver) Batch Scoring SyntaxUnited StatesR Syntax1.0US English Short 25-Item Caregiver Version RCADS Batch Scoring R-Syntax - US Norms (Version 1.0) (NEW!)
RCADS-47 Child/Parent T-Score conversion tablesUnited StatesPDF1.0US English Full 47-Item Youth & Caregiver Version RCADS T-Score Conversion Tables - US Norms (Version 1.0)
RCADS-25 Child (Youth)/Parent (Caregiver) T-Score conversion tablesUnited StatesPDF1.0US English Short 25-Item Youth & Caregiver Version RCADS T-Score Conversion Tables - US Norms (Version 1.0) (NEW!)
RCADS Advanced Scoring ProgramMultipleMicrosoft Excel07.0006Advanced Multi-Language Full 47-Item & Short 25-Item Youth & Caregiver Version RCADS Excel Scoring Program - Multiple Norms (Version 07.0006) (NEW!!)

Note: If you are using the RCADS outside of the US and wish to estimate US grade level for scoring purposes, subtract 6 from the age of the youth. For example, a 17-year old would typically be in 11th grade in the US.