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Can I translate the RCADS into another language? 

Translations are allowed with permission from the UCLA Child FIRST RCADS Team. If you are interested in gaining permission to translate the RCADS, please click this link to submit your request to use or adapt the RCADS. For item 2, select "Translation." As you fill in the requested information pertaining to your proposed use of the RCADS, our agreement terms will auto populate. Please review these terms and if you agree to them, sign the form. 

Before requesting permission to translate the RCADS, please verify that the instrument is not already available in that language

It will take approximately 2 weeks for our team to review each request. If approved, this signed form will serve as your official permission to use the RCADS. 

Permission is typically granted when (a) they use current “best practice” instrument translation procedures, (b) the translating research team agrees to provide a copy of the final translated instrument (in both word and PDF formats) for non-commercial distribution on the website, and (c) the translating team acknowledges that Chorpita and Spence will retain the copyright to any translated works. Any commercial use or resale of this instrument or its current and future derivative works is strictly prohibited. The RCADS and its family of measures is intended to be free for any interested user. This is only possible when people respect the terms of use and engage in respectful and equitable collaboration.

Use of the RCADS  in published research should include acknowledgement of the development of the RCADS using appropriate scholarly citations, including the item development contributed by Spence (1997) and by Chorpita et al., (2000).

The recommended citation for use of the RCADS in any published research is as follows: 

Chorpita, B. F., Yim, L. M., Moffitt, C. E., Umemoto L. A., & Francis, S. E. (2000). Assessment of symptoms of DSM-IV anxiety and depression in children: A Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 835-855. 

Can I adapt or create a derivative of the RCADS in addition to translating?

Adaptations and derivatives are not authorized without permission from the Child FIRST RCADS team. Please click this link to request to create a derivative of the RCADS, and select "Yes" for item 6. The instrument may not be altered to remove the copyright or other text in the margins regarding the source and terms. Creation of your own scoring tools is not allowed without permission, and permission will never be granted if those tools are to become publicly available outside of a defined institution. Also, although it should go without saying, “hacking” existing resources to unlock them so that you can make your own individual improvements or enhancements is destructive and unhelpful. It opens the possibility to infinite unauthorized scoring versions, which endangers users and is bad for children and families.