There are three options to score RCADS instruments:
- All RCADS instruments can be scored manually. Manual scoring produces raw scores, which can then be converted to T scores using conversion tables. Click here for instructions for manual scoring.
- For many RCADS instruments, there are automated scoring resources for scoring one set of responses at a time. These resources are Microsoft ExcelTM files, and they provide both raw and T scores. Click here for downloadable scoring resources.
- For many RCADS instruments, there is scoring syntax available in SPSS and R, which allow for the calculation of raw and T scores for datasets of 1 or more administration, whose data fields are edited to correspond to the syntax field labels. Click here for downloadable syntax files.
Conversion of raw scores to T-scores requires comparison to a reference group characterized by developmental level and gender, given that manifestations of anxiety and depression vary across these dimensions. Current versions of the RCADS represent developmental level using U.S. grade level rather than age in years (designed to ensure the ability of respondents' reading level). To convert age in years to U.S. grade level, subtract 6. Gender reference groups are currently represented in binary gender only, and the RCADS Team is working on strategies to create more inclusive and representative scoring strategies (see News page).