Automated Scoring
Automated Scoring for the RCADS-47 and RCADS-25
Automated scoring programs for scoring the RCADS and calculating T scores are available here. Begin by entering youth’s gender and grade level on top right-hand corner. Note: only grade level should be entered (not youth age). To convert age in years to U.S. grade level, subtract 6. Continue by entering scores (0-3) for all 47 items. Raw scores by subscale will be generated and data points plotted along the corresponding figure. The figure shows a dashed line at T = 65. T scores of 65 or higher will show in a yellow background, indicating scores at the borderline clinical threshold. T score of 70 or higher will show in an orange background, indicating scores above the clinical threshold.
Missing data are automatically handled in the automated scoring programs, as described above. Also, T scores above 80 are displayed simply as ">80," given that there are only minor differences in percentile rankings above these scores, and discriminations among such elevated T scores are not clinically meaningful. If you wish to determine the exact T score (e.g., for research purposes), either use the manual scoring procedure or use batch scoring (see below).
Batch scoring (scoring an entire file of RCADS scores for multiple cases) can also be performed by using syntax for commonly used statistical packages, such as SPSS and R. An example of SPSS and R syntax is available here.